• Popular Baby Names in 1895
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
501 Abner 0.0126% Corrie 0.0138%
502 Adelard 0.0126% Eulalia 0.0138%
503 Alma 0.0126% Georgiana 0.0138%
504 Artie 0.0126% Harriette 0.0138%
505 Buster 0.0126% Imogene 0.0138%
506 Chas 0.0126% James 0.0138%
507 Cleve 0.0126% Leatha 0.0138%
508 Connie 0.0126% Queen 0.0138%
509 Dorsey 0.0126% Retta 0.0138%
510 Elton 0.0126% Sadye 0.0138%
511 Emmitt 0.0126% Tressie 0.0138%
512 Esther 0.0126% Zoe 0.0138%
513 Frances 0.0126% Adah 0.0134%
514 Hezekiah 0.0126% Alda 0.0134%
515 Hobart 0.0126% Camille 0.0134%
516 Howell 0.0126% Gail 0.0134%
517 Ivory 0.0126% Kittie 0.0134%
518 Lonzo 0.0126% Lavina 0.0134%
519 Miguel 0.0126% Mertie 0.0134%
520 Obie 0.0126% Therese 0.0134%
521 Pablo 0.0126% Althea 0.0129%
522 Raleigh 0.0126% Celeste 0.0129%
523 Sammie 0.0126% Claudie 0.0129%
524 Shelby 0.0126% Dixie 0.0129%
525 Smith 0.0126% Judith 0.0129%

Showing Names 1,001 - 1,050 of 2,000

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