• Popular Baby Names in 1882
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
926 Rich 0.0049% Birdella 0.0043%
927 Roderick 0.0049% Blossom 0.0043%
928 Rollo 0.0049% Cara 0.0043%
929 Rutherford 0.0049% Carmela 0.0043%
930 Seaborn 0.0049% Carolyne 0.0043%
931 Severt 0.0049% Cathryn 0.0043%
932 Steward 0.0049% Celestia 0.0043%
933 Sylvanus 0.0049% Charlottie 0.0043%
934 Theadore 0.0049% Cilla 0.0043%
935 Theophile 0.0049% Classie 0.0043%
936 Todd 0.0049% Clifford 0.0043%
937 Vernie 0.0049% Courtney 0.0043%
938 Vester 0.0049% Daisey 0.0043%
939 Wenzel 0.0049% Dave 0.0043%
940 Wilhelm 0.0049% Denise 0.0043%
941 Wood 0.0049% Dezzie 0.0043%
942 Yee 0.0049% Dicy 0.0043%
943 Ab 0.0041% Dorthea 0.0043%
944 Adolf 0.0041% Dove 0.0043%
945 Alby 0.0041% Edmonia 0.0043%
946 Alcee 0.0041% Edward 0.0043%
947 Almer 0.0041% Electa 0.0043%
948 Almond 0.0041% Eleonore 0.0043%
949 Alvy 0.0041% Eudora 0.0043%
950 Amon 0.0041% Eulah 0.0043%

Showing Names 1,851 - 1,900 of 2,000

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