• Popular Baby Names in 1882
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
901 Lennie 0.0049% Veva 0.0052%
902 Leonidas 0.0049% Vicy 0.0052%
903 Lesley 0.0049% Viney 0.0052%
904 Lillian 0.0049% Wilda 0.0052%
905 Linn 0.0049% Zelda 0.0052%
906 Littleton 0.0049% Zena 0.0052%
907 Lone 0.0049% Zita 0.0052%
908 Ludwig 0.0049% Affie 0.0043%
909 Marcellus 0.0049% Albert 0.0043%
910 Margarito 0.0049% Albertha 0.0043%
911 Mattie 0.0049% Alexina 0.0043%
912 Maxwell 0.0049% Allene 0.0043%
913 Melton 0.0049% Altie 0.0043%
914 Mervin 0.0049% Anabel 0.0043%
915 Nellie 0.0049% Anie 0.0043%
916 Oran 0.0049% Annis 0.0043%
917 Orla 0.0049% Artelia 0.0043%
918 Orval 0.0049% Arthur 0.0043%
919 Ott 0.0049% Atha 0.0043%
920 Percival 0.0049% Barbra 0.0043%
921 Press 0.0049% Beaulah 0.0043%
922 Rafael 0.0049% Belva 0.0043%
923 Randle 0.0049% Berdie 0.0043%
924 Reece 0.0049% Bertina 0.0043%
925 Rene 0.0049% Biddie 0.0043%

Showing Names 1,801 - 1,850 of 2,000

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