• Popular Baby Names in 1898
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
401 Hugo 0.0189% Clare 0.0215%
402 Rollie 0.0189% Corine 0.0215%
403 Arch 0.0182% Dona 0.0215%
404 Chas 0.0182% Lenore 0.0215%
405 Clem 0.0182% Bell 0.0212%
406 Ethel 0.0182% Jeanne 0.0212%
407 Evan 0.0182% Leora 0.0212%
408 Matt 0.0182% Peggy 0.0212%
409 Garrett 0.0174% Eddie 0.0208%
410 Gustav 0.0174% Tommie 0.0208%
411 Hardy 0.0174% Agatha 0.0204%
412 Isaiah 0.0174% Alva 0.0204%
413 Lon 0.0174% Aurelia 0.0204%
414 Noel 0.0174% Dolores 0.0204%
415 Sampson 0.0174% Ester 0.0201%
416 Wendell 0.0174% John 0.0201%
417 Wm 0.0174% Mazie 0.0201%
418 Adolphus 0.0167% Paula 0.0201%
419 Al 0.0167% Yvonne 0.0201%
420 Berry 0.0167% Angie 0.0197%
421 Bryant 0.0167% Rhea 0.0197%
422 Carey 0.0167% Antonia 0.0193%
423 Garfield 0.0167% Ava 0.0193%
424 Josh 0.0167% Ellie 0.0193%
425 Lemuel 0.0167% Idella 0.0193%

Showing Names 801 - 850 of 2,000

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