• Popular Baby Names in 1894
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
851 Wash 0.0064% Adelina 0.0055%
852 Weaver 0.0064% Aimee 0.0055%
853 Werner 0.0064% Alline 0.0055%
854 Wilton 0.0064% Anabel 0.0055%
855 Woodson 0.0064% Arvilla 0.0055%
856 Wright 0.0064% Aura 0.0055%
857 Agnes 0.0056% Aurore 0.0055%
858 Alfonso 0.0056% Candace 0.0055%
859 Alfredo 0.0056% Carmella 0.0055%
860 Alston 0.0056% Cathryn 0.0055%
861 Ansel 0.0056% Clora 0.0055%
862 Arvid 0.0056% Dagmar 0.0055%
863 Audrey 0.0056% Dicie 0.0055%
864 Augusta 0.0056% Dorthy 0.0055%
865 Bascom 0.0056% Edward 0.0055%
866 Baxter 0.0056% Elfreda 0.0055%
867 Benedict 0.0056% Elta 0.0055%
868 Bertie 0.0056% Elvina 0.0055%
869 Bertrand 0.0056% Fleta 0.0055%
870 Birt 0.0056% Frederica 0.0055%
871 Blake 0.0056% Freeda 0.0055%
872 Brice 0.0056% Fronie 0.0055%
873 Buddy 0.0056% Genoveva 0.0055%
874 Burrell 0.0056% Hessie 0.0055%
875 Claire 0.0056% Hetty 0.0055%

Showing Names 1,701 - 1,750 of 2,000

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