• Popular Baby Names in 1893
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
751 Park 0.0074% Kay 0.0071%
752 Pleas 0.0074% Kizzie 0.0071%
753 Ples 0.0074% Lella 0.0071%
754 Price 0.0074% Manda 0.0071%
755 Rolla 0.0074% Mettie 0.0071%
756 Roman 0.0074% Nella 0.0071%
757 Rome 0.0074% Norah 0.0071%
758 Ruby 0.0074% Odie 0.0071%
759 Rudy 0.0074% Ova 0.0071%
760 Saul 0.0074% Pollie 0.0071%
761 Selmer 0.0074% Rachael 0.0071%
762 Seymour 0.0074% Rossie 0.0071%
763 Shelly 0.0074% Salome 0.0071%
764 Tomie 0.0074% Selena 0.0071%
765 Vivian 0.0074% Sina 0.0071%
766 Wilton 0.0074% Thomas 0.0071%
767 Wylie 0.0074% Allene 0.0067%
768 Alfonso 0.0066% Amber 0.0067%
769 Andres 0.0066% Dee 0.0067%
770 Anson 0.0066% Electa 0.0067%
771 Arvid 0.0066% Elta 0.0067%
772 Ashby 0.0066% Elvie 0.0067%
773 Barton 0.0066% Fronie 0.0067%
774 Baxter 0.0066% Golden 0.0067%
775 Bessie 0.0066% Gwendolyn 0.0067%

Showing Names 1,501 - 1,550 of 2,000

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