• Popular Baby Names in 1891
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
476 Adolphus 0.0128% Charles 0.0148%
477 Berry 0.0128% Dixie 0.0148%
478 Burt 0.0128% Gail 0.0148%
479 Carleton 0.0128% Kitty 0.0148%
480 Clint 0.0128% Lelah 0.0148%
481 Dorsey 0.0128% Lovie 0.0148%
482 Elvin 0.0128% Zola 0.0148%
483 Emile 0.0128% Adela 0.0142%
484 Emmet 0.0128% Altha 0.0142%
485 Hamilton 0.0128% Clarice 0.0142%
486 Hollis 0.0128% Delilah 0.0142%
487 Irwin 0.0128% Florida 0.0142%
488 Lacy 0.0128% Iona 0.0142%
489 Lawson 0.0128% Jannie 0.0142%
490 Ole 0.0128% Judith 0.0142%
491 Oren 0.0128% Leslie 0.0142%
492 Sheridan 0.0128% Lilian 0.0142%
493 Sol 0.0128% Marcia 0.0142%
494 Tracy 0.0128% Margery 0.0142%
495 Washington 0.0128% Ocie 0.0142%
496 Wellington 0.0128% Verdie 0.0142%
497 Alma 0.0119% Elisabeth 0.0137%
498 Bertram 0.0119% Faith 0.0137%
499 Buster 0.0119% Hanna 0.0137%
500 Carter 0.0119% Jettie 0.0137%

Showing Names 951 - 1,000 of 2,000

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