• Popular Baby Names in 1889
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
401 Mitchell 0.0176% Jimmie 0.0196%
402 Raleigh 0.0176% Lenore 0.0196%
403 Sol 0.0176% Magdalena 0.0196%
404 Stuart 0.0176% Marcella 0.0196%
405 Christ 0.0168% Charity 0.0190%
406 Clair 0.0168% Esta 0.0190%
407 Early 0.0168% Julie 0.0190%
408 Henderson 0.0168% Maybelle 0.0190%
409 Israel 0.0168% Tena 0.0190%
410 Johnny 0.0168% Antonia 0.0185%
411 Judge 0.0168% Aurelia 0.0185%
412 Napoleon 0.0168% Eloise 0.0185%
413 Ole 0.0168% Ettie 0.0185%
414 Porter 0.0168% Ludie 0.0185%
415 Blaine 0.0160% Molly 0.0185%
416 Caleb 0.0160% Clare 0.0180%
417 Clint 0.0160% Ellie 0.0180%
418 Dale 0.0160% Jannie 0.0180%
419 Elton 0.0160% Kathrine 0.0180%
420 Fay 0.0160% Lovie 0.0180%
421 Francisco 0.0160% Adah 0.0174%
422 Geo 0.0160% Agatha 0.0174%
423 Herschel 0.0160% Corine 0.0174%
424 Lowell 0.0160% Lavinia 0.0174%
425 Oren 0.0160% Lue 0.0174%

Showing Names 801 - 850 of 2,000

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