• Popular Baby Names in 1882
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
751 Willam 0.0066% Cammie 0.0061%
752 Willian 0.0066% Carmen 0.0061%
753 Wylie 0.0066% Cary 0.0061%
754 Adolfo 0.0057% Celestine 0.0061%
755 Alanzo 0.0057% Celina 0.0061%
756 Albion 0.0057% Cherry 0.0061%
757 Alcide 0.0057% Christie 0.0061%
758 Alvie 0.0057% Coral 0.0061%
759 Alvis 0.0057% Dellie 0.0061%
760 Antoine 0.0057% Delpha 0.0061%
761 Ashley 0.0057% Delphia 0.0061%
762 Ballard 0.0057% Effa 0.0061%
763 Bartholomew 0.0057% Eleanore 0.0061%
764 Baxter 0.0057% Era 0.0061%
765 Billy 0.0057% Evelina 0.0061%
766 Bird 0.0057% Exie 0.0061%
767 Campbell 0.0057% Gene 0.0061%
768 Commodore 0.0057% Georgina 0.0061%
769 Connie 0.0057% Golda 0.0061%
770 Dale 0.0057% Guadalupe 0.0061%
771 Dayton 0.0057% Jeffie 0.0061%
772 Delmar 0.0057% Jinnie 0.0061%
773 Dow 0.0057% Joyce 0.0061%
774 Ebbie 0.0057% Juana 0.0061%
775 Egbert 0.0057% Juliet 0.0061%

Showing Names 1,501 - 1,550 of 2,000

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