• Popular Baby Names in 1880
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
751 Bedford 0.0059% Bama 0.0061%
752 Benito 0.0059% Bena 0.0061%
753 Billy 0.0059% Byrd 0.0061%
754 Bird 0.0059% Calla 0.0061%
755 Birt 0.0059% Camilla 0.0061%
756 Bruno 0.0059% Carey 0.0061%
757 Burley 0.0059% Carlotta 0.0061%
758 Chancy 0.0059% Celestia 0.0061%
759 Claus 0.0059% Cherry 0.0061%
760 Cliff 0.0059% Cinda 0.0061%
761 Clovis 0.0059% Classie 0.0061%
762 Connie 0.0059% Claudine 0.0061%
763 Creed 0.0059% Clemie 0.0061%
764 Delos 0.0059% Clifford 0.0061%
765 Duke 0.0059% Clyda 0.0061%
766 Eber 0.0059% Creola 0.0061%
767 Eligah 0.0059% Debbie 0.0061%
768 Elliot 0.0059% Dee 0.0061%
769 Elton 0.0059% Dinah 0.0061%
770 Emmitt 0.0059% Doshia 0.0061%
771 Gene 0.0059% Ednah 0.0061%
772 Golden 0.0059% Edyth 0.0061%
773 Hal 0.0059% Eleanora 0.0061%
774 Hardin 0.0059% Electa 0.0061%
775 Harman 0.0059% Eola 0.0061%

Showing Names 1,501 - 1,550 of 2,000

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