• Popular Baby Names in 1883
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
851 Ludwig 0.0053% Ermine 0.0050%
852 Mabel 0.0053% Eugene 0.0050%
853 Malcom 0.0053% Eve 0.0050%
854 Manning 0.0053% Evelina 0.0050%
855 Maude 0.0053% Francisquita 0.0050%
856 May 0.0053% Georgeanna 0.0050%
857 Mell 0.0053% Glendora 0.0050%
858 Meyer 0.0053% Harry 0.0050%
859 Morton 0.0053% Hennie 0.0050%
860 Obie 0.0053% Honora 0.0050%
861 Olie 0.0053% Icie 0.0050%
862 Olof 0.0053% Jeannie 0.0050%
863 Orie 0.0053% Jeffie 0.0050%
864 Orlo 0.0053% Jemima 0.0050%
865 Quincy 0.0053% Jesse 0.0050%
866 Rice 0.0053% Jessica 0.0050%
867 Robt 0.0053% Joan 0.0050%
868 Ronald 0.0053% Josefa 0.0050%
869 Sampson 0.0053% Joyce 0.0050%
870 Samual 0.0053% Justine 0.0050%
871 Simpson 0.0053% Katharina 0.0050%
872 Spurgeon 0.0053% Leontine 0.0050%
873 Sylvanus 0.0053% Leva 0.0050%
874 Tandy 0.0053% Linna 0.0050%
875 Thos 0.0053% Litha 0.0050%

Showing Names 1,701 - 1,750 of 2,000

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