• Popular Baby Names in 1880
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
901 Titus 0.0051% Manuela 0.0051%
902 Tracy 0.0051% Margarett 0.0051%
903 Vernie 0.0051% Margaretta 0.0051%
904 Wendell 0.0051% Margarita 0.0051%
905 Wilhelm 0.0051% Marilla 0.0051%
906 Willian 0.0051% Mignon 0.0051%
907 Yee 0.0051% Mozella 0.0051%
908 Zeke 0.0051% Natalie 0.0051%
909 Ab 0.0042% Nelia 0.0051%
910 Abbott 0.0042% Nolie 0.0051%
911 Agustus 0.0042% Omie 0.0051%
912 Albertus 0.0042% Opal 0.0051%
913 Almer 0.0042% Ossie 0.0051%
914 Alphonso 0.0042% Ottie 0.0051%
915 Alvia 0.0042% Ottilia 0.0051%
916 Artie 0.0042% Parthenia 0.0051%
917 Arvid 0.0042% Penelope 0.0051%
918 Ashby 0.0042% Pinkey 0.0051%
919 Augusta 0.0042% Pollie 0.0051%
920 Aurthur 0.0042% Rennie 0.0051%
921 Babe 0.0042% Reta 0.0051%
922 Baldwin 0.0042% Roena 0.0051%
923 Barnett 0.0042% Rosalee 0.0051%
924 Bartholomew 0.0042% Roseanna 0.0051%
925 Barton 0.0042% Ruthie 0.0051%

Showing Names 1,801 - 1,850 of 2,000

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