• Popular Baby Names in 1941
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
101 Jerome 0.1719% Christine 0.1984%
102 Floyd 0.1679% Maria 0.1984%
103 Bob 0.1654% Edith 0.1977%
104 Vincent 0.1633% Lillian 0.1973%
105 Warren 0.1626% Marcia 0.1952%
106 Harvey 0.1608% Wilma 0.1948%
107 Alvin 0.1603% Florence 0.1919%
108 Lewis 0.1572% Thelma 0.1903%
109 Vernon 0.1571% Pauline 0.1887%
110 Jackie 0.1566% Sheila 0.1879%
111 Mike 0.1538% Clara 0.1846%
112 Steve 0.1499% Cynthia 0.1846%
113 Clyde 0.1493% Vivian 0.1830%
114 Herman 0.1414% Constance 0.1826%
115 Charlie 0.1403% Laura 0.1826%
116 Leo 0.1375% Ethel 0.1821%
117 Gilbert 0.1356% Audrey 0.1792%
118 Victor 0.1328% Gladys 0.1783%
119 Keith 0.1315% Lucille 0.1772%
120 Danny 0.1311% Yvonne 0.1765%
121 Timothy 0.1300% Eileen 0.1758%
122 Mark 0.1297% Margie 0.1724%
123 Arnold 0.1276% Grace 0.1687%
124 Benjamin 0.1257% Sara 0.1663%
125 Lester 0.1243% Charlene 0.1654%

Showing Names 201 - 250 of 2,000

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