• Popular Baby Names in 1921
Rank Male Name % of Total Males Female Name % of Total Females
26 Eugene 0.6788% Ruby 0.6514%
27 Howard 0.6774% Edna 0.6491%
28 Clarence 0.6436% Josephine 0.6353%
29 Louis 0.6374% Eleanor 0.6293%
30 Carl 0.6220% Thelma 0.6126%
31 Earl 0.5932% Lucille 0.6016%
32 Roy 0.5752% Ethel 0.5939%
33 Willie 0.5707% Edith 0.5930%
34 Fred 0.5701% Hazel 0.5734%
35 Francis 0.5527% Grace 0.5652%
36 Joe 0.5450% Annie 0.5630%
37 Lawrence 0.5252% Pauline 0.5580%
38 Ernest 0.5003% Lois 0.5393%
39 Leonard 0.4966% Bernice 0.4835%
40 Stanley 0.4602% Barbara 0.4700%
41 Anthony 0.4600% Beatrice 0.4662%
42 Herbert 0.4587% Esther 0.4631%
43 Alfred 0.4334% Marion 0.4544%
44 Samuel 0.4185% Shirley 0.4448%
45 Bernard 0.3943% Clara 0.4382%
46 Norman 0.3937% Gertrude 0.4178%
47 Michael 0.3694% Jane 0.4056%
48 Elmer 0.3645% Rita 0.4031%
49 Daniel 0.3597% June 0.4027%
50 Leo 0.3574% Katherine 0.4027%

Showing Names 51 - 100 of 2,000

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